In today’s episode I want to share with you a key to success. It’s simple, but it is not easy. It’s called Action.
Taking action is the number one thing that separates the good from the excellent – all the people with amazing ideas from those with amazing results. Taking actions means using the knowledge that you’re gaining from teachers, coaches, books, life wisdom…even this podcast…and allowing it to flow through your strengths and your skills and take action to help others. People who don’t take action, aren’t releasing their knowledge into the world. Imagine a running creek of water that is constantly refreshed, taking in new information and sharing it on down the road. If nothing is flowing through you, you’re either a swampland or a flood. If you aren’t gaining anything new to pass along, you’re swampy. If you are only gaining new information and not taking action to let it flow through your, you’re flooding. Other people can tell if you’re swampy or flooding and no one wants to hire someone that is seen as swampy or flooding – not even pageant judges. In this episode, I’ll share with you the 3 simple steps to take action to achieve your big goals!
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Before my client commits to a pageant, I always recommend that she talk with former titleholders to best understand her experience from her perspective. With multiple perspectives, you get a stronger view of whether or not this pageant would be a good fit for you. I did this the first time I competed in a state pageant and I learned a TON – nothing that scared me away from the pageant, but every piece of insight and advice set me up for success in my competition. Of course, any time you are asking for anything, even advice, from a former titleholder, you have to approach it with grace and respect. In this episode, I’ll give you a list of what to do and what not to do when approaching a former titleholder of your pageant.
© Alycia Darby Zimnoch 2016 Win A Pageant All Rights Reserved.
Today's episode is going to be a little different. I get a lot of questions over email and social media. Quick questions that have a pretty short and to-the-point answer. I always respond to anyone who messages or emails me - so please don't be shy if you have a question. Email
A few weeks ago, I posted some answers to your questions on YouTube, and I wanted to make sure you got the answers here, too. These are really great questions - most of them are about wardrobe choices for various phases of competition, and there's one whammy one at the end about current events.
Pageant Questions that are answered in this episode:
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© Alycia Darby Zimnoch 2016 Win A Pageant All Rights Reserved.
Most women learn pageant etiquette as they go through the process of pageantry, generally because someone else does something that they really respect or they do something that everyone else disrespects…and points it out! This has happened to me, I’m sure it’s happened to you because it happens to all of us. Do not fret – if you pay attention to today’s episode, I’ll save you a lot of embarrassment. This episode uncovers some Pageant Etiquette, which is vital to maintaining your reputation in the pageant industry.
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